Dec 28, 2003 12:17
so this is my first update since chritmas aka the worst day of my break so far. dont ask. everday sincechritmas has been hard, but things are getting progressively better. christmas eve was fun tho, ha. this is my first update since our big family computer was moved into my room. we got a gorgeous new mac laptop so that replaced this one. score for me. ummm what else? got my nails done, THEY ARE SO SHORT NOW! not too short, but def a lot shorter. i ate chipotle last night. MOTHER FUCKER! i told myself never again, but i did it. im guilty. but it was damn good, and i LOVED it. *crosses arms&pouts* today me and the fam are going to some art exibit. my dad explained it all to me, but it was right after he woke me up, so naturally i was unconcious throughout the whole thing. its a photography exibit somewhere in D.C. mmm needing plans tonight, what to do?