YOU fill in the blanks about ME even if u dont have any idea what they are, guess and send it back to ME. But first post a blank one out to all your friends so they can return the favor to you. Be honest and reply!! Make sure you repost it blank in your own journal so I can do it for you
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Who is the love of my life: i dunno!
Where did we meet: at krystals house for some whocares geek thing
Take a stab at my middle name: no idea...
How long have you known me: maybe 2 years?
When is the last time that we saw each other: few weeks ago at eureka!
Do I smoke: no? i forget...
Do I drink: damn straight! i dont befriend non-drinkers... well except ajay...
What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me: hahaha... 'i thought she was an asian chick' (going by your nickname)
What's one of my favorite things to do: drink with me! haha
Am I funny: yup!
What's my favorite type of music: pop crap? ;)
What is the best feature about me: nice as fuck!
Am I shy or outgoing: shyish...
Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: i think you follow the rules!
Do I have any special talents: not to my knowledge
Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, nobby, or something else (what): i dunno...
Have you ever hugged me: yup!
What is my favorite food: no idea!
If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be: tikkitikkitembonosarembocharibaririchipipperripembo... i dunno...
What's your favorite memory of me: being drunk somewhere? ;)
Who do I like right now: i have no idea!
What is my worst habit: being depressed although thats not really a habit..
If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing I would bring? hopefully alcohol!
Are we friends: damn straight!
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