Apr 25, 2007 06:25
Sooooo today I woke up, ate and was off 2 my orientation @ SeaWorLd. Its 1 of my 2 job options either be a photographer @ seaworLd or be a skip tracer @ aLLianceOne [skip tracer: Make caLLs 2 companies and the government n ask em for ppLs numbers th@ owe them money n then give it 2 the debt coLLectors n then they caLL em and get the money]
Sea worLd lo0ks prty fun tho and ima move reaL cLose 2 there so0o I think ima juSs take th@ job n leave the other 1.
Me n my "best friend" Steven aren't "best friends" nemore. Wat for? Like seriousLy I don't need a best friend. Same shyt I'd rather have a GOOD friend. But yah.
I later found out I onLy have 9 bux left in my aCcount when the last time I cheCked I had 62. Iono wtf haPPened THERE but th@ prty muCh fuCkin SUCKS majorLy. We'll c how I survive. TiLL then. .. FuCk it.