Jan 25, 2005 16:32
EDiT >> i'm back. i was catching up on my xANGA reading and i found this from cummy's. gives me the funnies. =b
Jan16: Cummy's text
kristina: HoLy shit Mother Fucker. Guess who's on the cover of YM?guess! Chad MicheaL Murray!! i'm hyperventaLating.!
mee:ahh! Holy fucking shit!! My fucking last mag was last month!! NOOOO. Godamn. i'm buying it! How couLd they deprive me? just my luck!! i'm going to buy it, then lick it lmao.
kristina:Lmao. one step ahead o' ya paL. Been there, licked that. ::hyperventalates some more:: ::falls out of chair::
and bubble, if you're out there reading this, the entry on january 9 is way over my head. the vocabulary is just too overwhelming. i almost fainted.