Feb 12, 2006 02:30
Got to say a few hellos and things to several of you. Rinna Delenn, my flippin' messenger is no worky, and I haven't gotten home from work in time for chat in weeeks! I am terrible about e-mailing. Let me know how you are. Call if you like, I am off on Monday.
Crystal Gee, I am looking at my recipe wine book, and to give you a somewhat condensed idea of the many recipe's, whew, let's see... Besides the usual fruits, there are several vegetable ones, dry and sweet mead, and some things I've never heard of. For instance, Service Berry and Firethorn. Among the fruits, Grapefruit, Crabapple, Prickly Pear and Watermelon. The Veg, Carrot, Onion, and Parsnip. Also, Coffee and Tea wine. Let me know if you would like me to send you some copies or some in'.
El Jefe, I hope that Gitta will come to Bash, you must take her to Max's Alleghenny tavern here on the Northside. Killer German food.
Daddyo Vin, did they fit you for the CPAP yet?
Indian SteveO, how is ya?
Ta for this evening all, had to get these thoughts out there while I am awake. The hubby has a sore throat, so I put him to bed with some tea.
Time for me to hit the hay as well.