weddings are FUUUNN!!...

May 10, 2004 14:51

Had a crazy wknd...

Friday was pure chillin with the girlies...aawww!! Joyce left on saturday to go to the Mayan...had to chill before we left...went to the gym beforehand to shed some more poundages heehee...

Saturday was PACKED! Went to Ravi's Seikh [is that how u spell it?] wedding...Had to wake up hella early [after almost a sleepless night] to drive all the way to Malton where the temple was...These Seikh people party from early morning til late night! Good thing we didn't go to the EARLIER festivities cuz my day would've started at 0630 as opposed to to 0800! They started their day with traditional ceremonies at 0800 but we decided to just attend the ceremony at 1030 and the reception at 1830. We felt sorta weird going in at first cuz it was 3 asians with 1 white guy next to thousands of Seikhs...Then we started seeing asians and other white people here and there who were also invited and we thought "oh yay! now we don't feel so out of place". You can't enter with shoes and without something over your you should've seen us trying to keep these scarves over our heads without it falling down and trying to balance food with one hand and sitting down on the floor [cuz they sit on the floor at the ceremony] trying to hold down my dress with my other hand! The men and women sit on opposite sides...It was so informal yet so beautiful! Ravi walks in and she's GLITTERING with gold jewels!! She looked soooo beautiful! It lasts about an hour and in the end these guys come with buckets of 'ceremonial pudding' [which tastes like some filipino cake] and they mush it up like playdoh and clump it in your palm...we stared at like "ohmigod, i am NOT eatign this!" so thank god kareline had tissue in her hand so we just casually put it in to throw out later...hahaha!

The reception was amazing!! The hall was HUGE! I've NEVER seen SO many people at one reception in one time!! According to our calculations [counting the tables and people per table] and also asking the bride, we calculated about 800 people!!!! That's INSANE! The center table where the bride and groom sit was EXQUISITE! [so maartz but it's true] was covered with roses, draped with fabric and the cake was enormous! The dance floor was covered with rose petals and when the bride and groom walked in, they had men with drums, drumming this ceremonial beat while they walked and flames started shooting up from the ground and mist came up from the floor...Open bar was GREAT! They had to have security cuz Seikh parties are rowdy...they lift each other up in their shoulders and dance! The food was SO yummy! There were so much food!...Words can't do justice to what an amazing party it was...Too bad i don't know how to put pictures on this stupid site or i'd have them all up!
I'M JEALOUS! I want my wedding like THAT! hahahahaha...

Sunday was nice cuz we took our mom to this Italian restaurant and spend MOTHER'S DAY was so nice...she LOVED the roses we gave her [12 white, with 1 red rose in the middle]...the grilled fish with veggies at the restaurant was so yummy! [and healthy may i add]. The me and the sis took a walk around the neighbourhood cuz it was a fairly nice day...


...and now back to work on a monday...finishing up my nights...just tonight and tomorrow night and i'm done nights for awhile...


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