LJ Interests meme results
- art:
Woah. Here we are...I really like art. Just the concept of having some vague visual idea in your mind and bringing it out with your hands. (Sounds like music) Although, I tend to have so much trouble doing just that...with art and music...I still like it. - college:
I LOVE BEING AT COLLEGE. I don't necessarily like the classes but it is 17648387238957589734092984 X better than being at home. - el caminos:
I think they are very funny looking cars. I mean, a pick-up car. That and I used to like a guy who had one and we'd talk about how cool it'd be to makeout on the bench seat. - good rock:
As in Rock and Roll. Nuff said. - interlochen:
I went there - and I loved it. - love:
I am in love and I like it. So...yeah. - philosophy:
- respighi:
Fountains of Rome...Pines of Rome...gotta love that shit. - sanity:
I would love it if I had it...even though I think it's more fun to go without. Kind of like your pants. - the beatles:
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