Sep 29, 2007 13:12
I went to the Tully branch library today. And once again, I'm reminded by how much I hate that branch, even if it's the closest to my home.
I mean, I found TWO copies of Brave New World (Harper Perennial Edition) in the History section. What worse, it was the edition with the red and white cover, and if you read the blurb on the back, the very first sentence said the book was a novel. Heck, it was within the first 5 words of that paragraph. I swear....I'm all for volunteering and helping the community, but it would be helpful if some of those volunteers spent some time reading and browsing libraries. I can't remember the number of times I've seen volunteers my age taking 5 minutes to shelve a the wrong section, or use the computers meant only for using the catalouge, to read their yahoo e-mails or go on My*advertising*space. *breathes in and out*
On that note, I got some new books. ^_^
The Collect Poems of Emily Dickenson (B&N Classics)
The Namesake (.jpegs don't do this beautifully simplistic cover justice)
One Hundred Years of Solitude
xxxHOLiC volume 10 (They actually had a full set today!)
Of course, NOW I'm running out of room on my shelf....
I'm also behind on book reviews, argh.
book buying,
barnes and nobles,