Jul 14, 2007 04:19
I don't know if anyone has heard this.
But Wednesday night me and two of my friends, Cassie and Nick, decided it would be a great idea to drive the to 4 corners of the united states. In case you didn't know that would be where Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico meet at one point.
It seemed like a good idea at first but then it was just endless driving upon endless driving. We finally got to the 4 Corners and it was not what I had expected at all. It is basically a concrete platform with the 4 states carved into it. I had a Red Sox hat on and some dude was like oh hey boston! and I was like yeah I am from Massachusetts. He was like oh where from? And I told him Gardner and he was like oh really? We are from Beltchertown. Which is around an hour away from Gardner kind of near Amherst. It's really funny how small of a world it is.
That night we got lost on New Mexico, and then drove a bunch of hours back to Flagstaff, AZ. I fucking hate Arizona. It is the most depressing state ever. Everything looks dead, lifeless. We stayed a night in a hotel and then left early the next morning to go to the Hoover Dam.
The Hoover Dam is a really cool place. Just the history behind it is amazing. Everything is original from the thirties.
We went of the Vegas strip for awhile but the shit was so packed with traffic thatwe just turned around and voyaged back towards Stockton.
All in all it was one of those "Hey lets do this right now, or lets never even think about it again." I have never done something like that before it it was probably one of the most random things I will ever do.