Happy my birthday to you

Aug 09, 2005 13:30

I feel so loved:)

Thank you to everyone who left birthday wishes in their LiveJournals and away messages. You guys are the best:)

I've had a terrific birthday so far. On Friday Wynand took me up to Maine for the weekend for a getaway gift. We had a really wonderful time, and I'm so grateful (and proud of him) for being able to still show me a good time--and to be able to have one himself--despite the news he got last week concerning his health. Yeah there were some emotions to deal with, but we got through them, and were able to have an incredible weekend together.

We came home on Sunday and drove straight into Boston (Somerville). We grabbed Tom and Amber and went to the Cheesecake Factory, and Tom got the waitstaff to sing to me. I didn't order cheesecake for dessert but rather a mango smoothie, and so they brought out what looked like a dish of whipped cream with a candle in it for my birthday. The whipped cream was THICK though, thick enough for wynand and I to play tic-tac-toe in it with a knife. Alas, I don't like whipped cream, and everyone else had their own desserts. It went uneaten and I felt bad--especially when I saw that it was really vanilla ice cream topped with whipped cream. Had I know that before the ice cream melted I would have scooped off the whipped cream and eaten the iced cream. Oh well.

Then we left Boston for Ashland. Wynand and I got dinner with Andy before spending the last hurrah of the weekend at Wynand's house watching the Simpsons.

Yesterday I called my grandparents to thank them for their card (and the check that came with it) and spoke to them for a good hour or so. I haven't been talking to them as often as I should, because of all the family drama. I feel bad about it, too. Also Kristen called to wish me a happy birthday and to schedule a time for us to celebrate, and I called Shannon, just to cheer her up, and wound up talking to her for a while, which was good. Then Jay called from war to wish me a happy birthday, too.

Then this morning when I arrived in work, in addition to seeing everyone's livejournals and away messages, my sister left a card for me at my desk, along with some Lindt truffles and a chocolate bar:) My coworkers and boss remembered too, and wished me a happy birthday both yesterday (at the team meeting, by those who wouldn't see me today) and then today when I walked in (by everyone else). I just got back from lunch with dad, and he said he'd be home at a "normal" time (before 8) to give me my birthday present. Then tonight, as it is Tuesday, I will be getting dinner with mom. Wynand is supposed to join us, and I will be calling them both when I get out at 5 to coordinate.

Thursday I'll be celebrating with Kristen, and either Wednesday or Friday (before leaving for Utica) I'll be trying to schedule time to see my friend Mike, who lives in Florida but is up for a wedding. Of all my friends, by far and away I've known him the longest. We met in daycare when we were infants, and have been friends since. He moved to FL when his dad retired (we were 11) and I have only seen him one time since then, last year when I was sent to Orlando for "vacation."

Then this weekend coming up I have SB's wedding to go to (and I have $$ for you Deb so don't let me forget) where I'll get to see my Es, and that's gotta be the best birthday present ever;) Then it's off to Pennsic for a week, as finally I get to go:)

It looks like my 21st birthday broke the spell of abysmal and sucky birthdays for me. I've had 2 great ones in a row now. I shouldn't let it get to my head...

my boring life, family, wynand

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