My neighbors are having a HUGE FIGHT and I can hear it all from my bedroom window.
The girl (I don't know her name) is fighting with her boyfriend (Dustin). She's screaming at him for being a drunk and how she doesn't have to put up with his shit because she put up with it for four years in her last relationship, I can suss that out for sure, but they keep straying off into tangents. I can't hear Dustin too well, but she keeps screaming, "I NEVER SAID THAT!!! WHY DO YOU KEEP SAYING THAT?!" She even started crying once, then I heard things being slammed around and even a "IT'S OVER!" They're still screaming at each other as I'm typing this, it's a cacaphony of "Fuck!"
These kids sure are resilient. When Jenni and I fought I never let it last this long, I was down the street after five minutes. Do I REALLY miss serious relationships? I forgot about the fighting part. But in a really strange way, I miss that.
This is in fact the cute girl that I stalk from my bedroom window that lives in the apartment building next to mine. Maybe I can move in for the kill. I'll leave a box of chocolates on her doorstep with a note attached that says "Sorry about your drunken boyfriend, <3 the guy in Pacific Place #7." But she needs to find it first, the alternative wouldn't work out too well.
Also - earlier, across the street, there were two missionaries going door to door, and some guy drove by and threw a milkshake at them which splaterred all over one's feet.
My neighborhood rules today.