Dec 20, 2009 21:27
So in an effort to be a good and SANE fan, I kept out of the fanworld of Doctor Who for quite some time. Six months almost. I missed the news on David Tennant heading to an American show. I didn't know about this till about last week. I didn't think he'd be filming quite yet but apparently they are.... and me being me, i find out where and when because i can google THAT well and blaaaaaaaaah...
he's been filming for nearly two weeks. in Downtown Los Angeles... where I go on a weekly basis. In fact, if my info is correct, I have BEEN to the buildings they've been filming at but I've seen "we're filming here! please hush!" signs so many times all over LA that i ignore most all of em!!!!
David tennant was RIIGHT THERE and I DIDNT KNOWWWW and he's still THEEERE.
will not stalk
stalking illegal
will not stalk
following DT around for a picture is not good...
should i or should i not go? because i want to. and if this gets big, then he'll be harder to find. Do it now or forever hold my peace you know?... or should i just stop being such a fangirl LOL.... blah. urge to be fangirl quite strong.