Jun 12, 2005 21:04
well lets see its like 12:30 r some insane crazy hour of the night been working on my finals forever still not done only have a lil bit done on my global one... just dont have the motivation to do it.... heh o well w/e i hate skool anways.... im kinda tired although i think i naped today you kno me I CANT REMEMBER<<< as always!!
holly party was friday this weekend that kicked ass, tons of sweet ppl YEP ONE OF THOSE REWIND AND START IT ALL OVER AND DO IT AGAIN NIGHTS!!! went over to sams b4 that haha that was kinda funny! :P
i dont REMEMBER what eles i did this wekend but it was awsome i kno that!!!
oh yea and i have Monster in my frige right now :D so im gonna drink it tomarrow :)... that is IF i REMEBER!!!!
BlackenedDawn645: u have a monster in ur fridge lol
BlackenedDawn645 returned at 9:15:19 PM.
Moments of BeauT: hahah that was so great!!
Moments of BeauT: wow i love you for that one ill never forget that !!
Moments of BeauT: but really i do
Moments of BeauT: its a big scary one
BlackenedDawn645: lol
Moments of BeauT: with big green eyes
Moments of BeauT: and sharp teeth
BlackenedDawn645: does it go rwar
BlackenedDawn645: ?
Moments of BeauT: i reached in there it bit me
Moments of BeauT: YEAAA
Moments of BeauT: and it god booo and grrr too
Moments of BeauT: goes*
BlackenedDawn645: WOW u gotta be careful it could eat u
Moments of BeauT: i knoo
Moments of BeauT: im so scared