this, that, and my schedule (tentatively most likely positive)

Jan 14, 2008 22:05

geez i dont know what im doing with myself. anyways. after the first day of classes this spring... i changed my schedule. it was inevitable i guess. i think i just really want to take art classes but in reality i feel to overwhelmed by it all, i think this summer on a community non-stressful level i can do that. right now i cant. and with that same idea, i just want to learn spanish so bad, but im not ready to be taking the class i signed up for, by far not ready, i cant even formulate a sentence let alone a page paper that would be due next wed. and then finally i really enjoy art history, however, i was signed up for an online course, and if anyone knows me, i wouldnt do well with disciplining myself to something like that unless i had an instructor to see face to face. online just wont work, if asu101 showed me anything, but that was a pass fail grade, which is good cause though easy the online part killed me and i sadly barely passed such an easy course, none the less i passed... anyways i digress my point is i cant take online courses. so much relief came upon me when i dropped three classes to switch to something better. and now i do feel excited about my new schedule. ill be taking astronomy again with the same teacher i had last semester, sumner starrfield. then english with cameron. western civilization: french revolution to age of enlightenment. philosophy: principles of sound reasoning. and final the one im most excited for, creative writing: poetry. so it should be good. though it says im an art major, one wouldnt think so. but hey who would i be if i actually knew what i wanted to major in. i have thought this much though.. ill probably be a teacher but i want to get my certification with my masters so i can focus on my specialty area for my degree, the only problem is i dont know what i want that to be. maybe not a problem per say, im not to stressed about it, at this point i know im crazy and all over the place. meh, o well. on another note that just popped into my head, im wondering if you have to be jewish to join the jewish club at asu and if so what really qualifies as being jewish, haha, anyways james and i saw their table today, also i guess theyre going to the holy land this summer, that seems nice. i digress....
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