Nov 02, 2004 21:01
I hope voting was a top priority for everyone today. Anyways... The cute boy and i went and saw the movie "Saw" last night. Ahhhh sooo creepy. But the lack of acting skills toned down the creepiness. I know all horror movies have really bad actors but GOSH! haha. On the other hand I finally got to see my John Suttie. It was like ten years my gosh how can anyone go that long with out some Suttie action? Anyways it was a lovely time. Oh yea i for got about the oreo story. I ate someones nasty oero at Hils the other night. Some one had eaten all the filling and left the cookie and i took a bite of it!!! AHHHHHHH freakin nasty. Well thats all really I have to go to work in like an hour so till next time.