Себе как напоминание, ну и если кто хочет мальчика поругать, поругайте по расписанию (его экзамены обведены в красные рамки)
Number Topics
N2 - Four operations with integers, decimals, fractions, mixed numbers. No non-calc check-up made this pointless, but will be required for Trinity assessments.
N6 - Use positive integer powers and roots, recognise roots of 2-5, not estimate roots/powers of any positive number. As above.
N7 - indices
N8 - surds
N16 - bounds
Algebra Topics
A4 - algebraic manipulation
A5 - rearranging formulae
A7 - Functions
A9, 10 - straight line coordinate geometry
A13 - graph transformations
A16 - equation of circle
A17 -19 - linear, quadratic and simultaneous equations
A22 - inequalities
Ratio and Proportion Topics
R3-R5 - ratio basics
R9 - percentages
R10/13 - direct and inverse proportion
R16 - compound interest
Shape, Space and Measure Topics
G3 + G6 - angles
G9-10 circle theorems
G16 - 18 - area, surface area, volume, arc lengths and sector area
G20-23 - Pythagoras and trig
Probability and Statistics
P4 - probabilities sum to 1
P5 - sample probability tends to theoretical as sample size increases
P8 - combined events
P9 - conditional probability
S3 - histograms, CF
S4 - boxplots
Further Maths
1.3 - surds
2.1-2.5 - functions
2.6 - brackets
2.8 - factorising
2.9 - algebraic fractions
2.10 - formulae
2.11 - solve equations
2.15 - simultaneous equations
2.16 - simultaneous equations with 3 unknowns
3.1-3.9 - coordinate geometry
5 - matrices
6.4-6.10 - trigonometry
Пандемия, уходи!
1г 20 дн (1 г 33 дн).