Happy Valentine's Day!*

Feb 14, 2024 23:18

*or as I call it, Singles Appreciation Day!

Hey people, how is everyone doing?

Things have been very up and down for me lately, for months really. There is more family at the Mesa Halfway House now than before. McG and I had finally gotten a rhythm to doing things so we don't annoy each other too much. Then Bro5 showed up, still half-frozen from Minnesota. It was a really fun couple of weeks. He helped McG put in a really nice fence at her place in Maricopa (so her nutty dog will have outside access and she can stay out there more often).

I started painting the ceiling in my trailer and the primer I am using is fantastic. Or it's been a long time since I've painted. Or I am easily impressed. I'm looking forward to getting back out there and finishing that.

A couple days ago Bro6 arrived. It is his house after all. He is sick and whiny and a jerk so the whole mood of the house has changed. People are being meaner and I am getting my feelers hurt more than I am used to. I've mostly been hiding in my room trying and failing to do anything productive.

That said, the 25 Days of Drawing is still going to happen, I promise!! Thanks for your patience with me.

I wonder why Snape got the diamonds? Seems more a Lucius thing...

There seems to be a lot going on, but none of it is particularly cheerful, so I am going to duck out here.


I gotta get back in and get involved. I don't like the world without fandom, and its wonderful people, in it.

Since I am so behind on literally everything - maybe I will make that my new year's resolution. LOL

*also appearing out of nowhere at Dreamwidth
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