25 Days of Apologizing

Jan 19, 2024 00:55

Hiya Friends!

Yeah, I've been hiding a little.

I feel - on the one hand SO BAD for being such a disappointment with this year's drawings, but on the other hand, it's kind of fun to realize that you are all getting to experience what it is like to have me as an employee! So, employee of the month or shall I give my 2 weeks?

LOL, you can't get rid of me that easily! I was happy to walk away from my work career but I will not be leaving fandom any time soon!

To be fair though, this has been the weirdest, most discombobulating and life-walloping six months of my existence fr fr.

The 25DoD aren't the only thing I haven't been able to keep up with. I'm not giving up (and if your drawing isn't done yet, feel free to change your prompts to something less Christmassy if you like, lol. Who doesn't want to see how Snape and Lucius celebrate Arbor Day?) I have no idea how long this particular series of drawings will take. I appreciate and hope for your continued patience!

Thank you to everyone who wished me Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Birthday! I cherish every message and note and card and gift :D I am now officially OLD AF - so I've decided to get some new things for my wardrobe and really glam it up!

This is 60.
Behold YourWitch, Fashionplate!
Glasses from Zenni, and Coat from Kohl's!

Fabulous Christmas Elf booties sent by Secret Squirrel.

And these cartoon shoes. I was wearing them, along with my fabulous coat from Kohl's and my wicked glasses from Zenni, standing outside a Circle K at 11 pm,in Quartzsite, (long story*) having a cig. A man walked by and said, "You look like a goof." I died laughing, cuz he wasn't wrong. 🤣

*I got a big cat enclosure to put at the trailer in Maricopa. I accidentally had my old address as the shipping address, but I noticed it just as I pressed the pay button. The company had a chat window and claimed they "reply immediately" so I tried that. Several times. They didn't get back to me until the following day after they had sent me a notice that it had shipped to California. Oh boy. When I talked to them they said they had gotten it changed to AZ and 2 boxes did arrive! I was delighted. However, they never mentioned that it consisted of 4 boxes. 2 of which were sent to CA. Fortunately, NJS had decided to go for a hike in the old hood and he saw these big boxes in front of my old house, so he got them from the new owners and McG, he, and I met up in Quartzsite for the drop-off and a nice nearly midnight 15-minute reunion.

I'm not out in Maricopa very much. I don't like to stay long out there because I'd have to leave my cat-babies alone all night and they are annoyed enough with their situation without dinner being late.

I took them to a vet that only sees cats (The Scaredy Cat Hospital!) and they were soooo much calmer there. It was a nice experience, especially because they are both in pretty good health. Bobi Fett is on special prescription food now to prevent bladder stones and Oyster remains non-diabetic!

Honey is doing well too! Here she is checking out the pen that the Scary Dog goes in when I let my creatures roam the house. Usually when McG is at work. :D

(The only thing in that room that is mine is the dog, lol)
Wait, possibly also the gnarly toes and the grungy gold shoe...
NJS had to try it out as well when he was here for Xmas.

🎶At Maricopa - Copacabana🎵
🎵The hottest spot south of Montana🎶
🎶At Maricopa - Copacabana🎵
🎵Dumping some cash in is always in fashion🎶
🎶at the 'Copa🎵
🎵They fixed up some trailers🎶

You may remember my trailer from an earlier post. All nice and tidy and oaky-beigey-babybluey.
Well, I got busy with my new tools (Hello impact driver!!) and started making some changes. Small things at first. I just wanted the sofa out so I could put my recliner there for a comfortable place to draw.


I took off all the window coverings and all the cabinet doors and drawers. I'll paint everything. Different floor. No carpet. I don't intend to ever take this thing on the road so I am not overly concerned with keeping it really light. I've decided to do it up Steampunk Style, just for the fun of it. Secret sent me an actual brass porthole (with a mirror for the glass) - and Bro5 (who we love) and who happens to be here for a bit, said it would make a dandy medicine cabinet for the bathroom!
McG is off work for a few days so I think we will all be going out there tomorrow and see what we can get done. McG built a stairway out of stuff lying around so that Honey would be okay with going inside. She wisely said a big NO to the rickety trailer steps.

I got a small battery-powered chainsaw for xmas and the last time I was out there I used it to trim one of the 5 billion 50 or so palo verde trees on the property. It was awesome and fun! When they are trimmed and kept tidy those trees are beautiful, especially when they are flowering, but unkempt they are a scary thorny bush of pain.

I've been yammering too long. I'll cut it off here even though there are still a million 50 things I want to share like the owls and the bookbinding and the volunteering with raptors and the spanish lessons! I will write again soon!*

*next episode: the Burrowing Owls

TLDR: Things are wild but also good, I'm struggling a bit and also doing better than ever, the future is uncertain, but it always is. I get down/paralysed sometimes, but I'm mostly content and happy. I'm aiming for positivity and being grateful. Which I am! Of a lot of things. :D Mostly all y'all.

*also gone over the limit at Dreamwidth

25 days of apologies

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