25 Days of Drawing - Day Five - Severus Snape and Friends

Dec 05, 2022 08:13

Happy Day 5 to all who celebrate!

Today's drawing is for beffeysue, one of the sweetest, kindest, and most generous people in fandom! Beff, I hope you'll be tickled by this interpretation of your prompt: Severus Snape and several Hogwarts staff play a game of poker over at The Three Broomsticks.

Well, you know what they say:

*Never Play Poker With a Legilimens!*

*hung by the chimney with care at Dreamwidth, AO3 and tumblr*

pomona sprout, minerva mcgonagall, 25 days of drawings, mrs. norris, filius flitwick, rolanda hooch, madam rosmerta, severus snape, argus filch

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