It's the Hap-Happiest Season of Allllll.....

Dec 29, 2018 17:47

Best Christmas Ever!!!

Wow you guys - this Christmas was the most amazing Christmas I’ve had since I was 6 and got a pair of little red skis! :D

Here’s why:

Once upon a time, the coolest chick in the world, too_dle_oo, set up mywitch25days and asked me for 25 prompts of things I’d like for Christmas! And then a whole bunch of wonderful, generous people filled them over the 25 days leading up to Christmas, with something new added every day. It was fucking amazing and blew my mind.

To everyone who contributed something, I want you to know that you made me feel so loved and your excellent posts had me laughing and crying, squealing and snickering! Y'all are so mulit-talented and so generous. Thank you, toods, for setting this up. It was unexpected and very, very much appreciated!

Thank you grooot!! I loved your hilarious limerick about Minerva and her broom. Yasss queen!
Your hilarious Gilderoy Lockhart xmas card fic is worth reading just for Snape's reaction to Minerva’s bony elbows and the words “his cold, unloved sausage”...So freaking funny!
Your awesome comic (with a dead handsome Snape) (not literally dead, thank balls) involving Dumbledore, Umbridge and a little cat scratch fever really tickled my funny bone! And your comic about the Death Eaters enjoying their Secret Santa Gift Exchange - they're not so different than the rest of us! Who wouldn't want that gift, right?? lol thank you so much my friend!

Thank you purplefluffycat for the wonderfully sweet third installment in your Fallen Angel series! I truly loved it! Snape + Lockhart = YUM! xoxo

Thank you toblass! I suspect you were inspired by the very talented Little Toby when you drew your comic about Snape getting gum in his hair, to be rescued by Granger and her Muggle remedy! And I also really loved your haiku of Snape going commando! Really makes you want to pray for a breeze! ;)

Thank you corvusdraconis! for the lovely portrait(s) of Snape with gum in his hair. I so appreciate it! Poor guy looks caught somewhere between furious and just confused :D

Thank you hbart! Your seven remarkable haikus about Dobby stirring up holiday shenanigans really hit the spot. I also loved your fic, The First (and Hopefully Last) Annual Secret Santa with the Death Eaters. It is a gem, with truly lovable original characters. Your limerick for Rosmerta and the whole fic made of limericks starring Remus and Severus and a very happy ending were so very satisfying! Thank you!

Thank you gingerbred! for your cute Snape and Rosmerta limerick - and for your absolutely brilliant drabble (or *cough* your version of a drabble (7k+ words!) lol) - Christmas Spirit - where the Bloody Baron maneuvers events to a very satisfying Christmas for (nearly) everyone. Sorry Ron! Lol, So much fun! I love it!!!

Thank you snapebraille4tu for the gorgeous and funny photo essay of the Five Times Severus Snape Didn’t Hate Christmas. So charming and so pretty to look at! (We mustn't go by the look on his face, but by what Snape does to really see how much he is enjoying himself...)

Thank you sweet beffeysue for the delicious and sexy little fic where Severus and Poppy are the only ones in the infirmary at Christmas and Sev's poor bone is about to finally get the attention it needs… ;)

Thank you blueartemis07 for your delectable little fic where Phineas Nigellus works his arse off to get Hermione together with Lucius and Severus, all in the hopes of getting to spend some time hanging in Lucius' erotic painting parlour. I'm calling for a sequel where we see what ol' PN gets up to once his is in there!! xo

Thank you too_dle_oo, not just for instigating this thing but for teasing me with a drabble that hints at Snape and Sybill eventually sharing a kiss, your awesome Potter Puppet Pals haiku and your brilliant limericks starring Snape and the wonders of his underpants, Sprout and her amply-filled brassiere, and oh my gosh Flitwick! Yes! But my favorite limerick has to be the one about Umbridge. Really, rhyming Dolores, clitoris and "you bore us" just about deserves an Order of Merlin First Class!! Brava!

Thank you theimpossiblegl! Your gorgeous picture of Sybill Trelawney is sexy enough that anyone would want to kiss her, and the one with Snape and Rosmerta had me yelling at my computer screen to "Unwrap that woman already, Snape!" So beautiful! Thank you! xo

Thank you adelaidearcher - the pair of SSHG limericks you wrote were fucking amazeballs. When you rhymed "liony" with "Hermione" I just about laughed my head off. So good!

Thank you madeleone for your sweet SSHG limerick - I love thinking of the pair of them meeting up in London. *swoon*

Thank you dreamy_dragon73. Your limerick about Minerva and her lucky lady friend was class! I loved it! xo

fawkesylady394, you maniac! You were a busy beaver this holiday season! Your songs - so amazing!
Luna Baby, sung by Miss Lovegood's swain Lucius Malfoy - super sexy and oh so fun! I like to close my eyes and imagine Jason Isaacs singing it. :D
You’re a Sweet One, Professor Snape, sweetly sung by Hermione Granger, in contrast with You're a Mean One, Mr. Snape, bitterly sung by Bellatrix!
A parody of The Boar's Head called The Hog’s Head Song - with Latin! Very impressive!
Blood will Flow (Let it Snow!) sung by Dolohov and Lord Voldemort had me laughing so hard :D
O Little Town of Hangleton (forever stuck in my head!)
Voldemort Rock sung by Walden McNair, class.
Run Run Potter so many funny lyrics!
And of course, the classic Dumbledore Got Run Over by a Thestral! Brilliant!
Your fic A Christmas Wish and True Love's Kiss was awesome as well and fully deserved that fluffy prize you won! (Definitely read it if you have ever wanted to believe there could be a reason for Snape to kiss Sybill Trelawney. Amazing!
But I think you fully earned your new title of Queen of Limericks by writing gosh I don't know how many fantastic limericks. From praising grooot for her drawing ability to Snape wanking into a grindylow tank - you've covered all the bases! There is at least one limerick for every person who has ever taught at Hogwarts, from our well-known favorites to Madam Grubbly-Plank getting busy with the Giant Squid and maybe giving a clue as to why the Black Lake is black. Additionally, we also find out why James Potter has such a high voice, how Dumbledore helps out some famous poets who needed inspiration, Dobby messing with Draco and having tea with the Queen, Sybill and Firenze and some groping, Quirinus Quirrell, Lucius tying Severus up (hot!), Peeves, Hagrid and a horny coed (with a killer last line), the house elves and all the house ghosts, Arthur and Molly, Professor Binns, Winky and Sprout (who will have you looking sideways at Twinkies from now on), the naughty Marauders, Dumbledore's fever dreams, the Dursleys! The Four Founders! even the bloody Carrows! Amazing. Just amazing. Thank you so much! :D

Thank you milotzi for everything. I don't know how you managed to get anything else done this month with all that you contributed over here! Good lord, you gave me so much joy!
I loved your charming photo of Lego Snape and Lego Minerva and their charming little cottage set in REAL SNOW! that led to the sexy drawing of what they got up to once they went back inside! There must have been steam rising off the roof!
Your comic The Tale of the Three Snapes was grisly and clever and so much fun. I must have looked at that a hundred times. And I love how you referenced it in Five Times Severus Snape Didn't Hate Christmas! So fun and so in-character!
Thank you for all the gorgeous artwork! You spoiled me rotten with all the Snape and Rosmerta love! So enjoyed the half-naked and very enthusiastic Snape coming to Rosmerta as Santa Lucia, and the beautiful painting of the two of them out in the elements, staying cozy with warming charms, body heat and snogging.
Your haikus were remarkable. So many sexy SS/MR moments!
My favorite ones:
Drunk Wizard:
Oh Rosmerta-san
Your eyes are like whisky casks
I want to drown in
Drown in them you may,
Sir, or not, do what you please,
But first pay your bill
Gods, I love that! *grins*
You also haiku'd (not a word, I know) Snape and Minerva, the morning after - so witty! And a Snape Haiku in 3 different languages! Also, Snape's first time, with Rosmerta (plus art!) and the pair of them returning to the scene to reenact the deed in their golden years (with even more art!) Plus Narcissa showing Voldy, Lucius and Severus a new way to get rich (with bonus art!) and a series of haiku about wizardkind, including a shout out to Hermione Granger and ending with
Money can buy
Privacy. For happiness
He has Rosmerta.*
*or Minerva... ;)
Your limericks kicked ass. Snape teaching defense and wanking LOL, 6 limericks outlining how Dumbledore got the faculty to agree to be part of that infamous Living Nativity Scene, many delicious limericks about Snape and Romserta, also a very funny one starring Snape and Hooch!
But wait, there's more! Your songs! Gosh, I loved your songs.
The Old Wizard Song (about wanking, but with some very useful life advice thrown in)
and Hark the Herald Death Eaters Sing to the Greater Glory of their Cause and their Leader (where even Nagini gets her own verse!)
Ding Dong Verily (We’re High) - so catchy! So stuck in my head!
(Te-he-he-he-rro-ho-ho-ho-hor to Mudbloods in extremis!)
and Severus the Crooked-nosed Potioneer - so awesome :D
And your stories! All so wonderful. From The Baron Gets to Play a Ghost, where there is a hilarious misunderstanding of just who Jacob Marley is, to Socks (which convinced me that Dumbledore was actually telling the truth when he told Harry Potter that when he looks in the Mirror of Erised, socks are what he sees).
Such a sweet romantic story, The Best Day of Her Life, where Minerva ends up a little toooo happy on her wedding day. It has such a tender and wonderful ending.
I adored the funny and sexy The Casting Decision, where Severus is chosen to play a Fairy in a Christmas panto because he is the manliest thing on staff. Thanks for a tip from Irma, Minerva realizes that she is more than willing to help Severus become even manlier.
You blew my mind when you wrote for the prompt I thought no one would touch with a 10 foot pole! The Secret of Happiness , where Ron Weasley and Lucius Malfoy switch bodies. A really remarkable story, brilliantly told and satisfying for everyone involved!

I apologize if I have left anyone out! Please let me know if I have!

Thank you so much, too_dle_oo and everyone who participated by contributing, commenting or just looking, reading and enjoying - this was the best Christmas gift I could ever imagine.
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