WIFI, how I miss ya

Jun 06, 2018 11:34

Hey gang! I can't hardly wait for my wifi to come. Only 5 more days :D The Starbucks here has free wifi (and is conveniently located 113 paces from my front gate). They are open till 8pm.

Yesterday I had to work late for a call to LA (come on lazy LA people, you can do a meeting before 10 am I swear you can!) so no wifi. Today I walked home as fast as I could (35 minutes!) (getting better) and now I've rushed over to the Starbucks and the free wifi until they close in half an hour.

I really miss being able to read everyone's posts. I really want to catch up. I got through a few tonight but I wanted to write and say HI before they kick me out of here.

From a little restaurant nearby:

The computer is functioning fine. The brushes are slowly being rebuilt. I hope that I will continue to be home at a reasonable hour so that I can draw some more cocks stuff.

So, work. It turns out it is too late to get me a ticket to Fancy French Thing so I have to stay home and not be in France or Fancy. I whined about it like a whining whiner to my pal, Secret Squirrel, and she very very generously went online and magically gifted me a ticket to see Flight of the Conchords on the 15th! Amazing person that I adore... So I'm all consoled and the smile is back on my face. :D Things always work out.

I am also hoping to see League of Gentlemen Live Again in August, and go to Scotland for some Frankie Boyle. He's doing shows in both Edinburgh and Glasgow... Which one is better?

Poll Scotland...

Well, they are stacking the chairs on the tables, so I guess that's my cue. Until next time!

OH SHIT! I just remembered I gotta pay some online bills! FFS! Catch ya later :D
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