
Aug 04, 2017 23:05

Oh dear, my life has really gotten away from me. Thanks so much to everyone who suggested a sad song - there were so many great ones and so many I hadn't heard before. I really appreciate it. I'll let you know how it goes!

Suddenly realized today that it is August 4 and that makes me 4 days overdue for my daily deviant piece - eek! Gonna try and get something up this weekend. And I am very, very late on a piece for a fest, and poor old Barista!Snape is really lagging behind. I've got the pdf of Cards Against Muggles and I want to get them printed. I think I might find the font and throw in a couple fanfiction-related ones as well... I want to play with my laminator and my book binder and see if I can rip the nice leather cover off a book and cobble together something with it. I owe a slew of emails to a lot of lovely friends and have a package I need to get to the post office. Hopefully tomorrow, alisanne!

Mea culpa.

Work week was excellent and much progress was made. After a pretty good scolding from my co-pilot, whom he actually respects, it seemed that at times my boss was actually able to forget that I'm female and was pretty cool. That made for a nice change. Now if he will just start treating the other ladies in the office like humans I will dance a jig on the roof. The poor dear suffers from an overabundance of tall guy, rich guy, handsome guy, white guy privilege and he literally cannot see that it exists. It's rather stunning to observe, actually.

But enough whinging. I plan to feast on fanfiction and draw my arse off for the next couple days and I am really looking forward to it!

See you on the flip, yo.
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