(no subject)

Nov 04, 2007 13:19

I told my brother that I was editing the school paper, and he asked what style handbook we were using. I just pointed to myself. I AM the style handbook--that means the words "freshmen" and "underlcassmen" are not allowed because they're sexist and everything gets hyphenated. Commas go inside the quotation marks. No British spellings of anything. God damn right.

The party last night was good, if unexceptional. Will Mautz came, and I love Will Mautz. It's funny how slowly and certainly we all change, how opposite we become from the October/November parties of years past. It's also funny how we stay exactly the same, going through the same party motions as ever. I dunno, I like it. I like all those people.

Speaking of which: my brother!! He is so good. He is always having the existential crises. He's So Heavy. But he had a good time, and I was excited to have everyone meet him, for sure.

I like summer parties better, I gotta say. There was a brief dance party, though, and that ruled.

I have been wearing these red pants for four days straight. TRY AND STOP ME.


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