Jan 28, 2008 22:21
I got my hair cut again and this time it is much closer to what I expected the first time. It is side-party, layery, short, and hip. My man Ben Storey hooked me up and now I owe him cookies. Rad. Also I showed him the haiku(s?) and he put them on his wall. I take this as a good sign.
I have a lot of trouble, especially at Guilford, drawing the line between positive and creepy. I really really like the people I work with at the Greenleaf and in other contexts, and I consistently feel that I like them more than they like me. Friend-crushes can be damaging that way. In contexts with kids my age, it might be alright to say "I enjoy your company," but with Guilford folks it feels a little bit like I'm trying too hard (which I might be. isn't that weird?). Yes. It is weird. But it's true? These kids have impacted me in a Big Way. This impact has certainly not been reciprocal. Awkies.
The thing about poems is that I write them about everyone, eventually. Everyone that pushes me to that point of transcendence, that moment of truth. This usually ends up being boys I like? But it's other people too. I'm going through a family phase right now, for example. And the restaurant. And just everything. I've had a short, privileged, uninteresting little life, so I grasp at epiphanies furiously when I think I'm near them. Sometimes, you are that epiphany. Anyway the point is that it's not always creepy to have poems written about you, but I usually think that people will assume it is, and so don't show them the poems. How would you feel if I wrote a poem about you, O anonymous reader?
I finally got that promotion, ladies and germs; I train to wait tables on Friday. I'm psyched! Whether or not I will actually make money is debateable. I'll have to get a vest. Bad ass.
ben steezy,
ben stizzle,
friend crush,
ben storey,