Anne, why do you waste your time with such garbage? the woman didn't know what the hell she was talking about and surely made herself look bad with the likes of you. glad you had a sense of humor about the whole thing. she's a mixed up oprah wanna be that is 25 years too late and embodies everything wrong in this country.
wake up, Joy, you've been scammed like the rest of America into thinking Obama was the answer. sometimes the truth hurts and liberals like you want to make sure no one's feelings are hurt. there's no accountability in America anymore.
Go ahead, fleece the hard working, tax paying, straight-and-arrow person for NOT being a drug using low life languishing her days either living on the public dole or in prision. hey, as long as it's not in YOUR backyard, Joy, right?
Why should we feel bad for people because they are stupid? What happend to rewarding people for succeeding and not because they gave a half-ass effort? There are too many people on welfare in this country and that's why we're tanking as a nation. Did you know that under 10% of the America's highest tax payers pay 80%+ of this country's taxes? They are tired of being suckers and want to speak out (but if Obama has his way, free speech will be outlawed).
I'm all for helping the poor, but give them the tools to help themselves. Let them feel empowered, not dependent. There continues to be generation after generation after generation of familes living in public housing and on welfare. Look at Appalachia and the decades of poverty there. Why hasn't anything been done about it? It's not about which political party is to blame. Children are starving, are poorly educated, dying so young. It's happening in America, don't you know? What happened to self sacrifice in order for your children to have a better life? I don't get it.
How dare Obama punish us for doing the right thing? Now that the poor, stupid bastards thought, hey I can buy a house I can't afford with no money down and no income verification, because hey, joe shmo mortgage guy said I could. What happend to personal responsibility and common sense? What happend to reading the documents you just signed to buy that house? It's only, after all, the largest and riskiest investment you'll ever make in your life.
There's nothing wrong with working any job to make a living. Find a job, any job, don't call your boss and say, oh, can you say I work 20 hours instead of 40 I actually worked, because the government won't give me assistance. It happens, it really does!!!