Jan 07, 2009 22:29
[Unintentional voice// Feel free to action'd]
...Dragons. There are dragons here. Small, very small, but still they--- [This, which was originally something between a moan and a whimper now descends into Mark flailing in something like fear while half-asleep. Slowly, it drops into an uneasy sounding slumber]
[I'm assuming Mark has been taken to the clinic by now. He had almost no external injuries -- some various bruises and one cut on his hand, but nothing serious. He was, however, dehydrated, malnurished, and tired. As such, since getting back, he's been sleeping on and off almost the entire time. Sadly, what the Malnosso have done to him this time is mostly psychological. Mostly something which couldn't have been seen and all. He's been having nightmares in his sleep this entire time, but that's nothing new -- since his first kidnapping he's had nightmares about dragons every night and Ninian getting her has only made them worse. If you want to have assumed your character has been regularly visiting his sleeping butt then feel free. This post was kinda mandatory, given it's Mark. Really, action would probably be better, but I wanted to make the ability to time in on such comments better. He does have his journal, and he has been trying to skim it in his waking hours, which are few. This commentary was prompted by the entries over the last few days -- or more so the pictures]
mandatory post,
at the clinic,
he's back,
his birthday is soon,