Nov 30, 2004 22:35
wow i am evil first the fake s/n things.. ok they were entertaining... and now this
x: u babysit?!?
x: hello! duh!
y: yep im slow im lost
x: lol
x: i could "help" you babysit
y: lol yeah n then the shitty kid would "help" rat me out bc he is normally the one that informs my family when im up to something. evil child
x: theres a reason im called the smart random guy:
x: "Feed him Nyquil"
x: lots of it, lol
y: lol turn the tv up loud n leave the room
x: zactly
y: wait i can hear the evil child now "i cant have that" hes 5 n hell flat out tell u that
x: mix it in with his Welch's Grape Juice
y: lol
x: Give that Lip Smackin' Good Fruit Juice an Extra Tang
y: lol
y: hummm
worst part is i would pull off something like that... i no i no im going to hell but since i already know im going i guess i can have fun?