Title: Crumbling Kingdom
Author: Pooobaihr
Chapter: 1 / ?
Pairings: Reita/Ruki, Aoi/Ruki, Tora/Hiroto, Kai/Miyavi
Genre: AU, Supernatural/Paranormal, Drama, Action (lets hope).. smex..somewhere
Rating: PG - NC17
Disclaimer: Uru and Pon are racing rubber ducks in the tub. Uru is using his amazing duck commanding skillz to kick Pon's ass!! ..hehehhe... syke, I dont own them.. :(
Warnings: language, SMEX (later on), people not being the age they should be..xD
Summary: We have been around for thousands of years. Trying to blend in to society, but there came a time where we were almost extinct. And that is what started this war.
A/N: Ok people, here is my new chapter fic. I hope to make it a long and good one. Oh yeah, the chaps are kinda short. Sorry!! Comments = Love!! xD
(check here for character pics.) Prologue Chapter 1: Matsumoto Takanori