Title: Towels are not toys~!
Author: beautifool_ish
Theme: 1.3 (Towel)
Pairing(s): MiyavixKai
Chapter: oneshot
Genre: Crude humor (?), PWP
Rating: R (to be safe... ^-^; )
Warnings: hand-job
Summary: In one swift movement, Kai felt it-- the cold, damp cloth flung straight into his face.
Comments: Written for the Kai fanfic project at
hanashi_no_egao . Will probably post to
myv_kai , too.
Yay~! I finished it before the deadline~ XD I only got to spend an hour on this, so please excuse any mistakes in grammar or spelling. And for how short it is. ^-^;
O~ and its my first ever MiyavixKai fic~ X3 Neat, huh~?
Towels Are Not Toys~! }