Title: Kids Can Be Cruel
Chapters: [1/?]
Author: akirei
Genre: Friendship
Warnings: Slight racism, preschool Jrockers.
Rating: G/PG
Pairings/Characters: Miyavi/Kai-centric. Onesided Reita/Ruki. Aoi/Uruha, Saga/Shou, Miku/Bou, Kozi/Mana
Synopsis: When Ishihara Takamasa begins his first day of his new school, he doesn't receive the warm welcome he expects. Instead, he learns that friendship is a hard earned thing in Peace and Smile Preschool for Boys, and acceptance even harder to obtain.
Comments: Forgive me, Jrock gods. Wrote at around 1am. First actualy fic I've written for about six months since my brain shut down on me.
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