June 17
We visited Duck Lake and Batoche, to explore why french in Saskatechewan is so seemingly important.
In front of the Duck Lake Museum.
Inside, we learned a lot about the Metis and the life of Natives in Saskatchewan.
The main attraction of the museum is a large tower. As we climbed it, we saw all kinds of paintings on the walls.
Looking down...
A random window.
Here's everyone looking oh so excited.
From the top, you got a really nice view of the flatness.
Excellent clouds too. It was suppposed to rain that day, so we were hoping it wouldn't.
The town of Duck Lake.
One of the dolls in the museum looked kinda creepy. Joren coudln't get enough of it.
I'll let you figure out what's so wrong with this chalkboard.
Books! I'm unsure whether they were real.
ALl kinds of skins were on display. The skunk one made me smile.
Sadiq took my picture with an old school fire engine. No wonder buildings from that era burned down when a fire began.
Here's the building form the outside. You can see the central tower.
In town, we had a tour of a bunch of murals that were painted all over the place.
The streets were so wide so such a small community.
Not too many were really interested in any of this.
THe town was falling apart, and barren, and a little bit scary. Why did they bring us here?
It did have a really old school charm about it, if you can get passed the creepiness.
mmm grian elevators. I'm really fond of those buildings.
As we left here, Fenge fell asleep on Chris' shoulder. How cute.
Our next stop, after eating, was the Batoche museum, home of all things Louis Riel. Louis Riel and John Diefenbaker are really popular in Saskatoon.
The stormclouds were really moving in.
Lightning started touching down in the distance. We were visiting churches and graveyards.... ominous.
There's the church we visited. You can see the bullet holes from the battle here on the face of the building.
Well.. you can't see them in this picture, but they're there!
My camera had a hard time once we were in the church. It was a little church.
We visited a house. It was ok.
The rain was starting. We toured the graveyard.
This was a family of kids who all died in a house fire. Creepy.
Afterwards, we made it to the actual museum part. It had creepy models doing creepy things.
Like skinning a buffalo.
When we got home, I had to work on the CD ROM. But I managed to take a picture of mushrooms!