2014 winter drabble dump - part 2

Dec 23, 2014 10:42

Note: I'm so sorry these took like 20 years to write. I promise I'm working on the others that were sent in!

❄ myunggyu for ally (@kimvampgyu on tumblr) ❄

It’s possible to be in love without having to say it outloud, right? Because Myungsoo is pretty sure he’s in love with Sunggyu.

Sunggyu, who has the voice of an angel.

(Sunggyu has a morning routine.

He gets up, washes his face, makes breakfast, eats breakfast, leaves the dishes in the sink to do later, changes his clothes, and goes about the rest of the day.

Myungsoo watches his routine every morning, stretched out as he lays under the sheets on their bed. (Well, technically Sunggyu’s bed, but whatever.) After a few days, one would think Myungsoo would get bored and just go back to sleep.

But he doesn’t because this is when Sunggyu sings.

It’s not a performance worthy for television or anything. It’s just a hum that echoes throughout the small apartment, soft and sweet. And Myungsoo loves it.)

Sunggyu, who always forgives him.

(It only takes two days for Myungsoo to break something. Sunggyu finds him in the living room next to a pile of broken clay shards.

Sunggyu wants to be mad, wants to yell at Myungsoo for breaking the vase his parents gave to him for Christmas a few years back.

But the look on Myungsoo’s face, innocent with eyes full of guilt, already has Sunggyu slumping his shoulders and going to the closet to grab the broom and dustpan.

Myungsoo sits next to him as he cleans up the mess.

While he nuzzles his neck, Sunggyu sighs and pats his head while mumbling, “It’s okay, I forgive you.”)

Sunggyu, who hates cuddling.

(Myungsoo loves cuddling, especially with Sunggyu in front of the fireplace.

He quietly sneaks into the living room and jump onto the couch where Sunggyu is reading. He sneakily tucks himself under Sunggyu’s arm and presses himself into his side.

Sunggyu tries to nudge him away but Myungsoo just maneuvers himself closer to his side. He tries again; Myungsoo buries his face into his chest. He gives up after the third try that just results in Myungsoo laying across his lap.

He drops a kiss on the top of Myungsoo’s head and turns back to book his without a word.)

Sunggyu doesn’t have to say it out loud either for Myungsoo to know he loves him, too.

(prompt: fireplace)
note: yes, myung’s a cat. no, this is not catboy!au.

❄ woosoo for @infinitel0609 on tumblr ❄

“We should steal Christmas.”

Myungsoo slowly looks away from their television and stares at Woohyun blankly. The elder stands before him, hands on his waist, head raised confidently.

“What?” Myungsoo asks, eyebrows knitted together.

“We should steal Christmas,” Woohyun repeats.

Myungsoo continues to stare at Woohyun, waiting for him to crack into laughter or deliver some sort of dumb punchline. (Neither happens.)

“...Why?” he asks slowly.

“Because it would be great!” Woohyun snickers, rubbing his hands together and looking like some sort of fluffy, prince-like villain.

Myungsoo glances around the dorm, looking for hidden cameras. (He’s not falling for this one again.) “Uhhh, does Sunggyu know about this?”

“Yeah, he didn’t want to help me,” Woohyun says with a shrug. “So you’re up next Eh-ru-kun.”

Myungsoo rolls his eyes at his Japanese nickname. “No.”

“Great! Okay, so I was thinking that -- wait.” Woohyun frowns. “No?”

“Yeah, no.”

“Why?” Woohyun collapses to the floor, kicking his feet in the air.

“Because I’m not helping you steal Christmas, whatever that means.” Myungsoo mumbles as he searches the couch for the remote.

“Fine.” Woohyun huffs as he get back on his feet. “I’ll just ask Sungyeol for help.”

“Okay, good luck.” Myungsoo nods.

As Woohyun disappears down the hall, Myungsoo glances around the floor and finds the remote laying under the couch.

“Ah hah!” Myungsoo holds the remote up victoriously before settling back into the couch cushions.

-- -- -- --

“We did!” Sungyeol yells, running into the dorm, Woohyun in toll.

“Did what?” Myungsoo asks, eyes still on the television.

“Stole Christmas!” Woohyun beams from behind Sungyeol.

Myungsoo rips his eyes away from the screen and stares at the two older boys, confused.

“You stole Christmas? Like, actual Christmas?”

“Yeah, she’s right here.” Woohyun says as he steps out from behind Sungyeol and places a small white puppy on the floor.

“What is that?” Myungsoo points to the puppy that’s trying to jump onto his lap.

“Christmas!” Woohyun yells, willing Myungsoo to understand.

“She belongs to the lady across the hall,” Sungyeol explains, “The mean one that always yells at us for ‘over crowding the elevator’.”

“You stole our neighbor’s dog?” Myungsoo stares down at the puppy with wide eyes.

“I would say we rescued her, rather than stole her,” Sungyeol says.

“So we actually saved Christmas!” Woohyun exclaims, high fiving Sungyeol as Myungsoo shakes his head with a sigh.

(prompt: christmas)

❄ wooya for @lucifergyu on twitter ❄

It’s Dongwoo who finds him first.

“What are you doing here?”

Woohyun almost drops the bag of flour (god, the house-elves would kill him if he made a mess) and whirls around to find the tiny Hufflepuff poking his head into the kitchen. He quickly drops the bag onto the counter and tries to block all the bowls and measuring cups with his body.

“W-What are you doing here?” Woohyun retorts back.

“I was just going to grab something from my room,” Dongwoo replies. “Are you baking?”

“No!” Woohyun replies a bit too quickly. “I’m, um, just ... planning a new prank! On Sunggyu! So don’t tell him.”

“Oh, okay,” Dongwoo nods and presses his pointer to his lips before walking off.

Woohyun lets out a long sigh.

-- -- -- --

It’s Myungsoo who finds him second.

“What are you doing here?”

Woohyun fumbles with a ball of dough (luckily, it drops onto the baking sheet) and looks over his shoulder.

“N-Nothing!” he yelps.

Myungsoo leans against the doorway and glances over Woohyun’s shoulder. A small glint appears in his eyes, his lips slowly stretching into a knowing smirk.

“Are those -- ?”

“No, they’re not.” Woohyun cuts him off and pushes Myungsoo out of the kitchen. “Goodbye, creampuff.”

“This place needs a damn door,” Woohyun mutters to himself, aggressively shaping the dough into small balls, “with a damn lock.”

-- -- -- --

Howon finds him last.

“Hey, loser, what are you doing here?”

“Nothing!” Woohyun yells, frustrated.

Howon holds up both of his hands in surrender as he walks towards Woohyun’s work station.

“What are you making?”

“Nothing!” Woohyun whines, laying flat on the counter to cover what he was doing. “Go away.”

Howon tries to sneak a peek at what Woohyun’s hiding, but piles of dirty pans and baking sheets catch his eyes first.

“Did you -- ?”

“Fine! Yes! I did! It was going to be a surprise but everyone ruined it!” Woohyun yells, shoving what he was holding to Howon’s chest. “Merry Christmas, you jerk.”

Howon watches Woohyun stomp out of the kitchen in confusion. A small smile forms on his face as he looks at his present from Woohyun. A slightly lopsided scarlet bow holds together a small bag of a dozen snickerdoodles.

(prompt: cookies)
note: hp!au again because i am incapable of writing any other type of wooya.

❄ myunggyu for @absolutemys on tumblr ❄

“We’re gonna die, we’re gonna die, we’re gonna die,” Woohyun chants under his breath.

“No we’re not,” Howon snaps back and quickly glances around the tree they’re hiding behind.

“They already got Dongwoo!” Woohyun cries. “It’s only a matter of time before they get us too!”

Sunggyu rolls his eyes. (But he can’t ignore the way that his heart is actually beating quite quickly in his chest.)

“Okay here’s what we’re going to do,” Howon says to Sunggyu, “Me and Woohyun will go this way.” He points over his shoulder towards another line of trees. “And you’ll go that way.” He points in the opposite direction towards an open field.

“So basically I’m the distraction so you two can save yourselves,” Sunggyu deadpan.

“Sacrifices need to made in times like these, hyung,” Howon says solemnly.

Sunggyu rolls his eyes. “Ugh, whatever, just go.”

After the younger boys run off, Sunggyu bends down and grabs two handfuls of snow. He squeezes the snow and shrugs off the fact that his snowballs are so deformed they shouldn't even be counted as snowballs.

He slowly walks towards the clearing, checking his surroundings with every step. Clouds of steam emerge from his mouth as he takes deep breaths.

It’s so quiet that he begins to think that the trio of youngest members isn’t even hiding in this part of the forest.

And that’s when he get hit.

A cold sensation hits the left side of his face and then the right. And before he can even defend himself, he’s tackled onto the ground, deformed snowballs flying out of his hands at the impact.

“Hi, hyung,” Myungsoo giggles, arms locked around Sunggyu’s shoulders as the oldest struggles beneath him.

Dongwoo runs over to them and rips off the bandana that’s tied around Sunggyu’s arm.

“Victory!” Dongwoo yells, waving the bandana in the air and making a woofing noise.

Sungyeol and Sungjong emerge from behind two trees and give each other a high five.

“Dongwoo, you’re not even on their team,” Sunggyu grumbles as Myungsoo helps him to his feet.

But Dongwoo, Sungjong, and Sungyeol are already long gone, pursuing their next target.

As Sunggyu bitterly dusts off his jacket and pants, Myungsoo quietly picks snow chunks out of his hair.

“Thanks,” Sunggyu sighs.

“No problem,” Myungsoo replies. “I was the one who tackled you.”

“Was that part of your guys’ plan?” Sunggyu asks.

“No,” Myungsoo shakes his head simply, “I just thought it would be fun.”

(prompt: snow)
note: idk how this well aligns with the theme, but i tried im sorry.

p: myunggyu, p: namwon, drabble dump, p: woosoo, infinite, 2014winterdrabbles

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