I finished "Professor Layton and the Unwound Future" yesterday.
OH MY GOD SO SAD. D: SO SAD!!! Celeste was actually Claire who ended up having to go back to her own time, I'm assuming to die, since she got thrown out of the time of the explosion in the first place. Either way, Layton had to lose her again, after finding out she hadn't been dead all this time. ;___; It was so depressing. I'd seen slight hints of it being sad (I tried to avoid major spoilers) but I didn't imagine it would go this way.
It went from :O to :( to D: to DDDDDD: to OMGCRY.
I put the text in white just in case, because they are pretty major spoilers and it was a beautiful story - I'd hate to ruin it for anyone. Highlight to read.
In other news, tried playing Epic Mickey and was terribly disappointed. It wasn't as epic as it implies. :( I did NOT like the platforming and it just... wasn't what I expected? It could have been so much better. The concept art was gorgeous but it did not follow through into the game graphics very well. I mean, it wasn't horrible, it was still nice looking, it was just meh. I don't know why they don't just give you unlimited paint since it regenerates to the first bar, so you'll never run out anyway.
Bah. Pretty sad gaming post lol.
Er, in happier news, we finally won a game of the D&D board game? XD After like, 5 tries. IT'S HARD.