Memes from chibi_tenshi24 (and zandrellia)

Jan 22, 2007 22:07

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Chocolate Mousse
Um. Does this really need an explanation? Because seriously. It's chocolate mousse.
Literary: Badfic It's the trainwreck syndrome, I swear. Some of these things are just so horribly bad and I usually end up having to resist bursting into laughter as a result. XDAudiovisual: Dubbed Sailormoon ... shut up. XD Yeah yeah, it's not the most brilliant anime out there but IT HAS THE PRETTY PRINCESS DRESS. And I like the lame soundtrack. D:
Musical: Emo/punk rock/whatever it's called For the most part I'm getting tired of it (it all sounds the saaame, I miss the ballads!) but some of them are good songs, damnit! lol
Celebrity: Orlando Bloom See, this one's hard because at the moment I don't really care for any real 'celebrity'. He'll have to do. I'm not nearly as obsessed as before, but I still adore him and love seeing cute little pictures once in a while. XD

Now I tag:-

lol lol lol lol and lol

to complete this same Quiz, Its HERE.

Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs. (Eh, if you want to do it, you can. XD)

1. I am one of those people who started off left-handed but were forced to change by my parents. lol It's an Asian thing. XD I'm still more comfortable using my left hand for certain things though, like scissors and knives.

2. I tend to eat fruit... I suppose you could call it "linearly". For example, I will eat corn-on-the-cob very cleanly down each row, rather than just bite randomly. You can always tell which corn cob is mine. LOL Apples, pears, peaches - all eaten in rows that are lengthwise(?) (this is so hard to explain XD)

3. When I eat rice, I will eat every single grain that is in my bowl. Then again, this is due to Asian influence as well. That old saying that whatever rice you don't eat will show up as moles or something on your future husband's body. Hahaha, oh, Asian culture. XD

4. Kind of taking this from chibi_tenshi24, I used to be in my high school's choir. lol If there was one thing I liked, it was getting out of class early to go get ready for the Remembrance Day assembly (and any other event they wanted us for). I believe the after-school choir practice was also how I was invited along to see West Side Story at a downtown theater - I just remember that it was during my spare block so I was lucky that I didn't have to get a teacher's permission to go see it. XD

5. Lately, it seems I have to listen to at least some type of music before going to bed. Otherwise, I end up just lying there wide awake. It's strange.

6. A good majority of my clothing is blue. Most of my possessions too. LOL I believe it was just last Friday when I was wearing a blue T-shirt, blue hoodie-sans-hood (??? What are those normally called? Sweater jackets?? But it's not really a sweater. D:), navy blue corduroy pants, blue scarf, and blue jacket. I have a blue and silver watch, blue-purple bracelet, sapphire earrings, navy blue backpack, blue pencil case, blue wallet, blue and grey cell phone... Right. I think you get the idea. XDXDXD I AM THE MASTER OF BLUE.

7. Don't most people know this by now? Maybe. Well, I was born ~2 months premature at 3 lbs 3 oz. And turned out mostly sane XD

8. I think I said this the last time I did this meme but I am anal about the condition of my books and CDs. Pretty much all of my books (except the few I actually let people borrow - their bent spines make me sad :( Thus why I make sure the other person is as anal as I am before letting them borrow now) look brand new and my CDs stay scratch-free if I can help it.

9. I like sketchbooks. They're pretty and have nice white pages. They make me want to buy them even if I have no use for them because I already have multiple sketchbooks that aren't full yet. It doesn't help when the sticker is all, "Folds Flat!! :D" Well, without the happy face but you totally know it's there.

10. I think jewelry's pretty. I like bracelets and earrings and rings like the girl I am but I rarely wear the ones I have because I'm always worried I'll lose them. The only reason why I wear my earrings is cause they're the hoop kind and thus have less of a probability of falling out - unlike the ones with the butterfly backs. lol

On another note... IT'S SO PRETTY. ... WHAT IS IT. LOL I'm assuming some sort of stationary set?

And as proof of the Literary Guilt... Here. HAHAHA. OMG If not for them speaking in lyrics, I think my favourite part is when Urahara calls him "Punk ass". XD There's also the matter of name ordering at the beginning. Apparently Urahara is his first name according to the author. :D LOL

This post has gotten surprisingly long. I'll end it with a meme from zandrellia:
Reply to this post, and I will tell you my favorite icon ofyours. Then post this to your own journal using your own favorite icon.

Oh damn, this is hard um um um. Crap, this just made me realize that I lost all of my BuriMyu icons. D: And Urahara ones. Hmm. I am torn between a gaybar icon and... everything else. ROFL My favourite icon changes depending on my mood though~!

I'll settle for this one. Because it's blue and it's Urahara and he's wearing normal clothes which is super hot. XDXDXD
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