Title: Unravelling Threads of Fate
Rating: PG-13 for now. May change depending on what I decide to do. XD
Pairings: UraIshi (in this chapter, there's IchiRuki as well)
Summary: AU. Ishida has had a hard life. With the help of some friends, it finally looks like things are going to work out. When he meets a bizarre and cheerful man named Urahara
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Comments 19
Very creative AU world - Ishida sewing for the Hell Moth lable, hee. And Urahara's company has changed, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
Oh yeah, I really need to go snag a UraIshi icon, don't I? :)
You'll find out more about Urahara later. XD
There's currently... 4? Or, 5 if you count that one covet made~
Well, as covet made it especially for you, I'd feel bad about taking it. :)
Aw XD Well, 4 icons is a lot anyways. :D
I was intrigued, very much so; I refused to leave my seat until I was finished. Everyone seemed so in-character still (Rukia and Ichigo arguing, of course XD)~!
Not nitpicking, just helping you fine tune--I found a typo, I think ._. Someone about the tone of her voice made his head snap up to look at her, to blink in confusion. “Eh?”
More Kisuke~ *goes into a withdrawal* Are we gonna see Benihime? X3 *loves that zanpaku-to for no apparent reason*
*is slowly, but surely going off the deep end* ...dun mind me -_-V
Hee, thank you! ♥
Ah!! Whoops. Thank you for catching that. XD
Hmm... Benihime? I never thought about that. Maybe, if I can fit her in. :D
I'm already off the deep end. lol
Well, a bit of both... ;D
lol XD
Lots of pictures here:
I'm 21 bitchas~
As for the bit by bit... I can't have all the secrets revealed at once. ;)
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