recent events....maybe?

May 29, 2008 01:09

Does anyone even still read this?

i forget about it most of the time.

what have i been doing recently? Such a weird question. i don't know. Well i know, i guess. Its just weird. I'm still in massage school, in my second to last trimester, i graduate in december. This semester is the most tedious thus far, or maybe i'm just getting sick of going to class again. I have this weird gypsy mindset about school i think. I just need a change of scenery sometimes.

Oh....i got back together with Kemp, we've been going out again for more than a month now i think. It makes me really happy to think about actually, though every once in a while i still flip out and wondering why i'm making any kind of commitment to anyone at all. I mean lets face it, the only reason i can stay in the same apartment is because i can't stand the thought of moving all of my stuff again. I'm not exactly the most consistant person in the universe. But i've felt different lately, like theres some slow difference manifesting. I'm sick of wandering. I like the thought of having permanence, of having a purpose.

I'm moving back to new york in January. Thats another big step. I never thought i'd be willingly moving back in with my parents, especially considering at that point i'll actually be getting a job capable of allowing me to afford my own place, but i'm happy about going home. I feel like maybe i have something left to discover there. Maybe i'll get a piece of myself back. Maybe it will help me heal.

i guess thats it, its what i've been up to. I have ideas about where i want to go, but i don't see the point of talking about anything when nothing is certain. What is certain, is that i'm happy, i'm in love, i feel like i'm on the right path, and everything happens for a reason.

Love you all

Blessed Be
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