car crash

Nov 12, 2006 11:08

hey everyone. I figured i shouuld mention that i was in a car crash yesterday evening around 5:45 eastern time. I was with a friend in his jeep cherokee and he was driving. He was sober and in good mental health. Basically coming out of his driveway onto the road of his complex he was fooling around and trying to scare me and he went too fast. The cops said he didn't make the first turn as it was a fairly winding road and instead of turning he went straight off the road. It all happened really fast but basically he hit a small tree and then swerved a couple times and over corrected going way too fast. The car ended up flipping at least twice that i remember before flipping into a light post which bent the roof and broke the post but stopped our flipping. Once the car hit it flipped back the other way and landed on top of the post on its side, passenger door down. It was the scariest thing that has every happened to me in my life and the police and fire people said that my friend and i were lucky to be alive let alone to walk away with minor injuries, so i know someone up there was looking out for me. My friend has a dislocated elbow and a broken arm. I have a couple minor bruises and a superficial laceration on my foot from crawling out the broken back windshield as well as some cuts on my hands from trying to punch through the front windshield when i was in shock and all i wanted to do was get out of the car. They took both of us to the hospital but released me after a couple hours and him about an hour or two later. All i keep thinking about is the flips and how i knew we were flipping and it actually went through my head that i was going to die and i accepted it cause there was nothing else to do. so i was quite surprised to not only be alive when the car stopped moving, but to be basically unhurt. The car is totalled and looking at it and knowing what happened its hard to believe that we walked away. There are not many people that survive or walk away from accidents like this one. I can only thank god and goddess and my beloved ones who passed on for watching over me and protecting me. Apparently it was not my time to go.
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