
Feb 06, 2006 13:07

Six Things:

1. I went down to the Southside on Friday. What posessed me to do it? Not really sure. Lately I've been missing everyone down there and wacky Southside hijinks like crazy. I had a pretty good time and it was nice seeing everyone. There was one major thing that bothereed me and that was trying to sleep while Scot and some girl were fooling around, possibly having sex, on a couch next to me. You have no idea how badly I prayed for sleep that night. Renee told me this was karma for the whole "How was your shower?" thing I pulled on her in WI, but I wasn't as close to her as those two were to me on Friday.

2. School is going really well. For once I'm actually looking forward to going to classes and learning. I guess it's because I have classes that I love and enjoy. Even COM is bearable.

3. Yesterday I cracked and called my parents for money. It's not for anything stupid, it's to get my computer fixed. I felt so guilty and low having to ask for money. See, I haven't asked them for a fucking dime since I moved out and even I'm surprised this happend. Not only that, but I'm filling for FAFSA next semester so that way I will be recieving nothing from them.

4. I've started doing Tae-Bo with Allyssa and so far it's kicking my ass. Once I get used to it, the Tae-Bo will be easier.

5. Renee bought and burned 3 Wilco albums for me. Mad props to her.

6. I went to Soxfest last week and let me just tell you it was one giant clusterfuck. The lines were really long and I waited 2 and a half hours just to get in. Fucking gay. It was hot in there and extremly unorganized. I got sent to 5 different places just to find the line for anything. Not only that, but the whole thing was packed full of people. This really pissed me off because I know most of the douchebags there were bandwagon fans and are only Sox fans because they won the World Series. Fuck that shit. Bandwagon fans really piss me off because so many of us have been loyal Sox fans through and through. We were fans when the Sox were doing terribly. We were Sox fans when Reinsdorf threatned to move the team. WE WERE FANS THROUGH EVERYTHING! I got really mad at Soxfest because it seemed like everything was turning into something like the Cubs. What I mean is that people are turning into fairweather fans. Going to games because it's cool, wearing the jersey because it's cool. It just really pissed me off. END RANT.
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