
Jun 14, 2005 14:22

Um, nothing really new to report. Matt's sister's wedding was nice...but I drank too much and got sick on the car ride home and embarrassed myself in front of his brothers. Way to go Ace.

Most of my days are spent cleaning, sending out resumes, doing laundry, cooking and such. Allyssa has deemed me the "House Girlfriend" as opposed to "housewife." Great, just great. But it gives me something to do rather than just sit around all day.

Renee, Matt, and I went to go see Mike V. play at the Mutiny last Thursday. He did a splendid job despite having to play solo. Then on Saturday we went down to the Southside for a party at the Tower of Cock. Once again, I got drunk. It was great seeing KV, Dan, Pat O., and Kevin. I realized how much I missed everyone and hanging out with them. Hopefully I can get down there more or they can get up here. Either way, it will be good times.

My birthday is tomorrow. The only thing tentatively planned is going to Delilah's. Renee and I might go see Ted Leo, but that's only until 10. I still have no idea, but I do want to go out and do something. Anyone feel like coming up and helping me celebrate being old? More details to come...

I made a new friend on the Thick Message Board. His, or her, screenname is "Triple Play." I want to be best friends with them, sharing cocktails and secrets.

I have a job interview today at 6. Hopefully all goes well and they'll hire me. Keeping my fingers crossed...

My brothers came to visit me last night. That was nice. I was informed that my father is mad at me and I should call him. When is he not mad at me? I'll call him tomorrow or something.

I have to do chores now. Later.
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