oh no! bo browns at it again!

Oct 19, 2005 21:35

uh oh. I just got back from class and I looked over in the convenience store parking lot right next to our complex... and poor Ian got pulled over by a trooper! And considering I saw him 2 hours before.. and he asked me to smoke... I can only guess he's gonna get busted for posession, if not then probably driving while intoxicated. Don't breathe Ian, don't breathe!! Poor kid.

Bryan called me while I was in class so I called him back... guess where he fucking is. The god damned Rolling Stones concert!! Thats MY favorite group, not yours son!! Gawwwd that kid is so lucky sometimes. He has a way of making friends with connections. Free tickets to a Stones concert... but I guess John Mayer isn't opening which I thought was the case. But still. That rocks. Hes gonna call me back when they play Beast of Burden : ) awwwww.

My classes suck. My mass comm class we have way too much homework for and barely stay in class for two hours (its once a week). The only class that I like is my 20th century humanities and I SWEAR ppl at Valencia are such IDIOTS. I'm sitting there trying to have a normal conversation with the teacher (who is very enlightened might I add) about Crime and Punishment, the age of enlightenment, and stream of consciousness writers and this stupid ass girl who failed out of UCF is sitting there raising her hand and then proceeds to talking about her ex-boyfriend who is completely nuts. Somehow she thinks its on topic and I'm like "YOU effing RETARD". I swear I'm gonna go off on her one day. Just wait.

I think thats about it. Sorry I just needed to kinda vent. This hurricane thing is getting pretty scary and it has my Dad calling me like every two hours asking me if I've gotten gas and food and is begging me to come home. Awww : ) I told him I would have to be nuts if I drove TO the actual storm. HE loves me though. I mean, if I can't have a man for real, I guess the next best substitute is my father. And for now, that's just fine with me...

Okay. Time for homework.
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