- Read Hamlet
- Islam Presentation (10 sentences+) (TUESDAY)
- Handout
- Encipher a Message (MONDAY)
- Decipher a Message (TUESDAY)
- Study for Test (May 1st)
- Finish final draft of song (TUESDAY)
Liberty and the Law:
- The Declaration of independence, Federalist #84, The US Constitution and Amendments (CP)
- Marbury v. Madison, Eakin v. Raub (46-59)
- Calder v. Bull, Palko v. Connecticut (322-325)
- How the court works and how to brief a case (103-129, 166-186, 1561-1564)
- Scalia, “Originalism”, Brennen “The constitution of the us…” (CP)
- Rehnquist, Dworkin (CP)
- Fletcher v Peck, Trustees of Dartmouth college v. Woodward, Charles River Bridge v Warren Bridge (222-242)
- Lochner v. New York, West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish (275-286)
- Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff, Nolan v California Coastal Commission (286-296), Kelo, v. New London, “State approves major complex for Brooklyn”, “Done Deal? The Judiciary Will decide” (CP)
- Murphy, Thayer, U.S. v. Carolene Products, (CP) Scenck v US, Brandenburg v. Ohio (380-390, 405-408)
- Roth v. US, Miller v. California, City of Erie v. Pap’s AM (427-431, 433-438, 448-454)
- Cohen v. California (471-480)
- FCC v Pacifica, Bethel v Frazier, R.A.V. v St Paul, Wisconsin v. Mitchell (481-502)
- Introductory Essay (506-513), Hustler Magazine v. Falwell
REWRITE ESSAY (Of what practical use is natural law?) (FRIDAY)
- Reread Socrates
- Reread Aquinas
- Reread Locke
- Reread KING
- Write new Thesis
- Write first draft
- Go to writing center
Black Protest:
- Ch. 1 of Eyes on the Prize
- Ch. 2 of Eyes on the Prize
- Ch. 3 of Eyes on the Prize
- Ch. 4 of Eyes on the Prize
- Ch. 5 of Eyes on the Prize
Test (Week of May 1st)