Title: Shadow Man
Author: Megan (
Pairings/Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness
Ratings: PG
Words: 100
Warnings: Angst. References to Cyberwoman
Disclaimer: Don't own.
Notes: Written for
tw100 100 drabble challenge, using challenge #90 The Beatles Song Titles
Ianto Jones was a shadow of a man, a mere sliver of what he used to be. He used to laugh, he used to smile…he used to love. Until men of metal shattered his world, until Jack smothered that tiny light of hope left.
Now he lives in the shadows. The shadows of the archives, the shadows of his suit…the shadows of depths in his eyes.
He carried out business as usual but Jack saw those shadows. The way he’d shy away from Gwen’s laugh and glared at Owen when he was mean to Tosh.
Jack saw, and he wept.
I used the Beatle's song title Cry For A Shadow. It sort of jumped out at me, hope you enjoy.