Aug 19, 2003 12:08
I went to UC Davis yesterday to visit an old friend / supervisor at work. His name is Darrell Winn and he's really awesome. He was the camp supervisor at the Boy Scout camp I worked out for several years. He's heavily involved with the theater/art department at UC Davis and is known by many people. For example, I work at Music Circus and three of my co-workers know of and have worked under Darrell at Davis. Needless to say, he's cool. I spent a little over two hours on the UC Davis campus chatting with Darrell and then developing an interest to transfer to UC Davis. I've never spent much time in the town even though it's 20 minutes from my house and I've come to like what I saw of it yesterday. I walked around the campus to various buildings to get information on transferring. Essentially, I need to complete 60 units of work at Chico State and talk with advisors on both ends in order to get the units to line up. The only issue right now is that they do not have a degree program that matches mine. Fortunately, they are planning on implementing one next year! It's called Technoculture studies and since UC Davis is a research facility, falls more heavilg under theory but there are also multi-million dollar facilities that I could be working with. The resources and Davis and the industry connections are what attracting me. I love Chico State but it's getting harder and harder to get the equipment needed to learn skills.
I hope this all works out, if it doesn't, I'm not going to be too disappointed. It's just another one of my projects.