Mar 30, 2007 13:45
So I am sittng at my computer right now and thinking about the next week or so. I have a whole week off from school and that job but I still have to play nice at the casino. My big sis is on her way to Lansing for a wedding and that means that i have the next 3 days to myself. So that means i can sleep in and not clean house if I do not feel like it. This also means that I can ignore the phone all I want. This will also be a time when I have to think about what I want to do with my life. I miss all my friends dearly and I love them all but i have no time whatsoever to call or even e mail them anymore. Sometimes it is hard to talk to someone online and not get an immediate response.
I ma also thinking about the boy and how much I miss him right now also. I saw him last weekend and we had a great time but it was way to short for the both of us. He is actually going to be gone for a few days to see his little sis before she pops out baby #3. It almost makes me want a family but not enough to start one anytime soon. I love him and I just wish that we could see each other more than once a month. But with our busy schedules it makes it hard to even do that.
Then I think about all those happy couples and I want to tear my hair out. Oh well such is life I guess.