Oct 23, 2005 14:19
Interesting get-together on Friday. I did James Carville's Paul Begala's Boys' French Toast on Friday night, featuring two loaves of Union Square Greenmarket challah and a quad batch of the batter (because it's better when it's soggy - ahh, how many things that applies to). A bunch of the first-years showed up, as well as several of my friends. The actual dinner portion of the evening was pretty bad - none of the very talkative people showed, and so we had Michelle and her friend sitting there silent, one of the neighbors sitting there silent, me teasing Sharon and forgetting that not everyone else is aware of the give-and-take that we have (and thus me looking like a giant bipedal penis), Lorraine getting half-cocked on a bottle of cider, and Missy and her boyfriend sitting there like we were all preventing the on-getting of it. After dinner, Chris, said boyfriend, asked if I knew where Sahara East, the hookah bar, was. As I didn't know, they skipped merrily off to their room to look it up on the internet.
"If they're not back in ten minutes, let's head to Reservoir." - Lorraine
"Let's just go now." - Me
Much to my surprise, however, they did show back up, leading to an interesting series of events including a trip to the hookah bar and an attempt to get into Coyote Ugly, which was stymied by the fact that the boyfriend is only 20. This, of course, led to a trip to El Cantinero ("Where even if you're not allowed in the bar, we'll sell you a beer"), and then a trip to 119, and then a trip back to the building where there were ill-advised drinking games.
I didn't know people in their mid-20s still drank Crystal Light and vodka.
At one point, Missy accused me of groping Lorraine, which I mainly attributed to the fact that Missy was seriously in the mood and so was seeing things. However, in the discussion that followed, mention was made of the fact that she's very close to someone who's been the subject of several friended entries in this journal, and that she would like to see Kristina-the-Puppy and I "grow up, get married and have kids together." Where she got this from, I have no idea.
I mean, shit. I don't even think she wants kids. *cough*
It's been an extremely drunken several weeks. Once October's over, I think I'll be in better shape, but there was a birthday party every Saturday from the first weekend of October. Yesterday was the first one this month where I didn't have plans. I did, however, go to the 1L post-Elements bar night, since I picked the venue out. I felt a little skeezy, since I was the only non-1L there, but luckily I'm younger than most of them anyway. One of my fellow Senators got a little extra-friendly with me, which was uncomfortable, particularly after a small group of us headed to Off the Wagon to continue the madness with dollar beers and seven-dollar pitchers. (Yes, I was wandering around topping everyone off all night, and yes, I also drank from the pitcher. Just to get it out of the way.)
I have three Halloween parties - one in Hoboken (I'm organizing a flotilla to travel with me), one at some guy's apartment that some other guy invited me along to, and one LLM party at a different guy's apartment that I'm going to because I'm an honorary GLS member or something. I still have no idea what I'm doing costumewise. I might have to reprise last year's ("Fat, bearded Hunter S. Thompson").
Oh, speaking of, I've grown the beard out from Amish Chinstrap to Full Beard. I've had a request for photos which I'll take care of soon, but I'll be trimming back in the very, very near future.
Anyway, this is getting dangerously long. Here's hoping I'll be able to make more entries in the near future.