School Reunion Drabblets - G

May 03, 2006 20:10

A couple of silly little School Reunion Drabblets.

Title: Identity Crisis
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: G
Summary: Finch called them 'brothers'. So, uh, what about the dinner ladies?

“Our time has come, my brothers,” said Finch. “Today we shall become Gods.”

They stood as one and began to file out. One of the figures at the back paused to straighten her pinafore.

“I’m glad he remembers it’s still ‘brothers’,” She muttered to her companion. “He was getting a little too comfortable calling me Judy.”

“There there, Frank,” said her friend soothingly. “You know you always looked like more of a ‘Marjorie’ to me.”

Title: Coursework
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: G
Summary: Not everyone was going to be pleased about the school being blown up.

Sarah-Jane popped by the temporary Deffry buildings a few weeks later, to check everything was running smoothly.

While she was there, she spotted a familiar face.

“Kenny!” She said happily, moving towards him, then pausing. “My God! What happened?”

Kenny grinned up at her from his wheelchair somewhat ruefully, his leg and arm in casts.

“GCSE and A-Level Art Students.” He explained. “Heard I blew up the school.”

“And they broke your leg?” She asked, appalled.

“No,” he said. “That was the DT students. They’re very good with hammers.”


“Two years of coursework, up in flames,” he said. “They weren’t exactly pleased.”

doctor who, humour

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