Title: A Swell Party 7/13
Fandom: Doctor Who/Jeeves and Wooster crossover
Rating: PG
Summary: Following a signal, the trio find themselves in the quaint time of Jeeves and Wooster. Unfortunately, getting their hands on what they're after isn't as easy as they might expect. Eventual 9/Rose/Jack
Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4 Part 5Part 6 (
Dinner that night was an affair in two halves... )
I have absolutely no idea why this line tickles me so much - but it's just all so wonderfully Wodehousian. Just waiting for Jeeves' fabulous fish-fed brain to leap disastrously into action now...
Jeeves may be a bit slow, as Jeeves' brain is channelling my brain and my brain...is floundering somewhat. Or should I not admit that? I'll plot tonight and see what I come up with. ;)
How's the sequel to "Time; present" coming along? Not that I'm, y'know, nosy or anything... ;)
*encourages sequel on*
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