Dec 25, 2005 19:39
To the Christians and holiday pirates: Merry Christmas!
To the Jews and holiday whores: Happy Chanukah!
To the Afircans and americans who still think they're african: Happy Kwanzaa!
To the French Canadians: Happy Boxing Day!
And to all the little Atheists out there: Have a nice day!
To avoid furthur confusion, I will pretend as though I never said the latter four lines.
Avast, once again, the great Sky Pirate, Capt. S. Claus has set about his yealy voyage to plunder the wallets of multimillion dolllar corporations and release chaos across the land as he transports his stolen booty across the entire globe, confusing and confounding any pursuers before they even have time to realize they were bamboozled in the first place. His dream of creating a Golden Age of pirates comes ever closer, as each year more and more people are given the sweet taste of getting something for free. These people enjoy the sensation so much, they wish to rally theior friends with this feeling and kindle the spirit of piratism in us all. Indeed, one day the seas will once again be frought with danger, intrigue, romance, and a bit of hanky-panky. So if you missed it this year, stay awake an extra hour or two next Christmas eve, until you hear the bells beckon you to the new age, and perhaps catch a glimpse of the buccaneer known only as Santa.
Yar, the cap'n himself awarded me with pentiful booty this Christmas day. Take a gander:
The He-Man/She-Ra Chistmas Special DVD
- Yes, it's the same He-man from the 80's that you should know and love, because he kicked arse. Seriously though, it's amazing how much I love the show, considering how overwhelmingly cheesy it was. Maybe if I get my hands on some of the actual series DVD's it'll get me full-swing into He-man again. I wanna see the new series too, just because I more or less missed the whole damn thing, so I don't know if it's any good.
A Polar Express tree ornament
- Just a little tree-model of the Polar Express from the new movie, with an engine, coal car, caboose, and 4 normal cars. Trains go Choo Choo~! ^_^
Nintendo DS (Blue!)
- Holy crap, ever since all the hype between the DS and the PSP has been going on, I havn't really been sure which way to go, but then a title came out for the DS that I woulda eaten people to play, so I chose this one. After actually playing a DS, I've offically declared that the DS rocks my socks like pink starbust. Touching is good. Very Good.
Lost in Blue
- This is the reason I own a DS. This is more or less an awesomeated version of Survival Kids for the GBC (Which I doubt any of you have heard of anyway) But it's basically an island survival RPG, and I heart it, and it makes me happy. Huzzah!
Lunar Dragon Song
- At one point Lunar 2: Eternal Blue was in my top 5 favorite games, yet I've only played that and Lunar: Silver Star Story once each. I figure I liked them enough to merit me getting this title and see how the series continues. Lunar is awesome. There's fuzzy little flying kitties that turn in to ginormous fuzzy flying dragons. :D
DDR Extreme 2
- It has Butterfly. Upswing Mix. I spazzed for about 10 straight minutes when I saw that. Booyaka.
DDR Mario Mix (including Pad)
- This game breaks my head. Probably because I never needed to see Mario and Luigi dancing, especially not like that, but it's too late to reverse the damage. Other than that, this is an easy DDR. And by easy, I mean the 'Very Hard' mode is easier than the 'Standard' mode of most DDR's. I think there's a hidden difficulty level above Very Hard, so it might be worth it, plus there's some kinda freaky arse nostalgia trip with all the Mario songs everywhere, despite there being less than 30 songs total. It's the perfect DDr for beginners, but I'll get back to you maybe if there's any merit at all for veterans.
A pirate book
- The sequal to a book I got last Christmas. Merriment may commence.
A Pirate kiddie playset
- The Captain looks kinda retarded, but other than that it's awesome. It has a working cannon and harpoon, a hugantic treasure chest, and a parrot. Ages 4+. Good thing they told me I was 5 =D
Masterplan (Self-titled Album, CD)
- Havn't listened to it yet, but I've heard 3 of their songs, 2 of which are stapled in my favorite 10 songs of all time. Stapled with superglue.
Masternplan - Aeronautics (CD)
- See above *dances*
Trans-Siberian Orchestra - The Lost Christmas Eve (CD)
- If anyone dislikes the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, they will receive a package in the mail within 2-6 business weeks. This package contails a Kodiak bear mauling said person upside the head.
Wayne's World Box Set (contains both movies)
- Excellent.
The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Board Game
- Simplistic play, yet with many board games it becomes great fun if you shove like 4+ people into the game. Includes 6 pewter figurines for pieces ^^ (Jack, Sally, Dr. Finklestein, Lock, Shock, and Barrel)
The Nightmare Before Christmas Art Book
- Contains much art and priduction pictures. Squee~
The Wizard of Oz tree ornament
- Complete with Ashley, Sam, Emmi and Dre skipping merrily on top of my face. Bonus points to whoever knows what I'm talking about.
.hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelt Vol.III
- I've read it before, but now it's mine! >:D
Slayers Special: The Lesser of Two Evils
Slayers Special: Spellbound
Slayers S.E.D.S.: Lina the Teenage Sorceress
Slayers S.E.D.S.: The Claire Bible
Slayers Premium
- All 5 of the Slayers manga that I knew of that I didn't have! Holycrapthatsawesome! get my blurdy hands on Slayers Try... >.>
Ninja T-Shirt, One Piece T-Shirt
- Because I don't have enough shirts as it is... XD
A dredel, and 2 candy canes.
Christmas rocks my socks. As long as Christmas comes, I'm not gonna ever grow up =D
Unleash the awesomeness of Justice!
Now for fun. In two days time I'll be all packed and set to traverse across the wide blue expanse to the great plains of the west. To spend the dawning of a new year with two of my bestest friends, and to have a grand new adventure in the process! Now in the meantime.... *runs off clutching his DS, cackling like a lunatic*