Mar 08, 2006 11:37
Well lets see big change in my life... It's really weird, I kept saying I'm done with women I give up and everyone kept saying you'll meet someone randomly when you stop looking. I didnt believe them, but I'm eating my words now.
I met someone randomly. Like completely random. lol It's so crazy. She is exactly like me. Now I know what you are thinking, "Brandon you are crazy no one is exactly like you, you are too crazy and random and have the oddest taste." Well believe it. We like almost all of the same things, have the same views on many aspects of life, and have a lot of the same things that have happened in our past. There was like an instant comfort between us.
We have spent the last two days just talking about anything and everything and there is no doubt she is perfect, I mean come on she's just like me and who's more perfect than me? No one. lol jk. But seriously I feel as if I've known her forever even though its been a very short period of time and we both just feel completely comfortable with each other.
Even though Rachel is kind of young (16), it's a lot easier to deal with than with Heather, because not only does her mom allow me to see her, she approves of it. Also,she allows her to do what she wants. It's even cooler how much respect she has for her mom. Her relationship with her mom is exactly like mine and my mom's, with small exceptions.
It's so crazy that I feel this way cause just a little while ago I was like women are evil, they suck...Which they still are, but maybe theres an exception. I'm so excited, its ridiculous.
She is everything I look for, which I thought was impossible to find, but she is beautiful, smart, has a drive to succeed like I do, has a good sense of respect for her family, and she likes what more can you ask for? BTW her little brother is a wrestler for Swan Valley Middle. I guess he is undefeated 5-0 right now. He is pretty cool, I met him yesterday.
I have so much more to say, but I could go on forever so I'll just finish with what I am doing tonight and this weekend.
Tonight taking Rachel to dinner and then taking her to meet my mom, then probably hanging out or something after that.
I leave for wrestling states tommorow morning and wont be back until Saturday or Sunday depending on how well our wrestler does at states. So call the cell if you need me while i'm away. 989 964 9295
For all of those that are mad at me...I'm sorry, but this is too good of an opportunity to pass up. Jealousy is natural, just dont hate me.
Well I should get back to work. Its still fricken crazy busy, even more now that I'm taking the next two days off...
Peace. "Get Out!" lol
P.S. I forgot to mention she is Not only is she white, but she has blonde hair and blue eyes. I know not usually what I go for, but she is so beautiful and maybe I've been looking for the wrong girls. Who knows.... All I know is I'm extremely happy already and she is beautiful. thats more than good enough for me.