Alright! I suppose I must make an effort to start posting regularly again--people are actually dropping me from their f-lists?! And here I thought that my usual 3-4 post per day average must bore everyone to tears. I shall henceforth endeavor to bring my journalizing standards back up to snuff.
In my defence, I have been busy! When I'm not at my job, gardening has been taking up most of my attention. I never realized this would become such an all-consuming hobby.
Please ignore my cat, the camwhore--she refused to stay out of the shot :p Admittedly, it doesn't look like much right now (it would help if I wiped off all of those muddy fingerprints >___<), but I've put quite a bit of time and work into it so far. Give it a few weeks; once what is here has started to grow in, and the rest of my plants come in the mail, I believe I will have a pretty impressive little rooftop :D
Here's one of the 'cauldron' pansies I planted right after Halloween. Still going strong after being repeatedly flattened by snow :p
*Yawn* I'm ready for bed! I got antsy after work and walked down to the shopping center to burn off some energy. I bought a pot of gorgeous purple
ranunculus at Home Depot....sadly it's too dark to take pix of them now. Anyway, the walk did it's job and now I'm exhausted. More tomorrow ~